Do You Sue the Truck Driver or Truck Company After a Crash?

Nov 30, 2023

Do You Sue the Truck Driver or Truck Company After a Crash? 

Truck accidents are some of the most catastrophic and traumatic accidents that can occur on our roads. Due to their size and weight, trucks possess lethal force in the event of a collision, which can lead to unparalleled devastation. As the saying goes, "accidents happen," and when they do, it's essential to know who is responsible for damages suffered by the victims. In this article, we'll discuss the liability of truck drivers and trucking companies following a crash and the legal options available to victims. 

Is the truck driver liable?

In most truck accidents, the truck driver is responsible for any damages sustained. However, it's not always as simple as it sounds. If the truck driver was operating the vehicle outside the scope of their employment, it could be challenging to prove that their employer is liable. For example, if a driver is running personal errands in a company truck during off-duty hours, the trucking company may not be responsible for damages resulting from an accident. 

Will the trucking company pay compensation to the victims?

Typically, the trucking company is liable for damages that result from a crash involving one of their drivers. However, the company may try to shift liability to the driver to avoid paying for damages. In many cases, trucking companies will have insurance policies designed to compensate accident victims. Still, some trucking companies may not have adequate insurance, which means that victims could be left high and dry.

When it comes to receiving compensation, it's best to seek legal assistance from experienced attorneys like Michael Tremoulis. Our team of legal experts has the resources to investigate trucking companies and determine their liability. We can also help determine the damages suffered, including hospital bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering.

Do you sue the truck driver, or truck company after a crash? 

When pursuing legal action, victims can file a lawsuit against the truck driver, the trucking company, or both, depending on the circumstances of the accident. The driver might face legal action when they are operating a vehicle outside the scope of their employment, while the trucking company may face legal action if they've hired an unfit driver, neglected maintenance, or violated transportation laws.

A skilled attorney can navigate the legal landscape and help victims recover compensation for damages suffered. At Michael Tremoulis, Attorney at Law, we can provide victims of truck accidents in Ohio with the legal assistance they need to get back on their feet.

Truck accidents can lead to significant losses and injuries, leaving victims with huge medical bills, lost wages, and substantial pain and suffering. While truck accidents are often complex cases, working with an experienced attorney like Michael Tremoulis can help simplify the legal process and ensure that you receive the compensation you're entitled to. Remember, you don't have to go through this process alone; attorneys at Michael Tremoulis, Attorney at Law, have decades of experience helping Ohio victims of truck accidents get the justice they deserve.

17 Apr, 2024
Living in Ohio, we are fortunate to be surrounded by beautiful wildlife and domestic animals. However, there may be times when interactions with animals can turn dangerous and result in an attack. When faced with such a situation, it is important to know how to protect yourself legally and physically. As an attorney with experience in animal attack cases, I am here to provide you with valuable advice on what steps to take if you are ever attacked by an animal. The first and most crucial step when you are attacked by an animal is to seek medical attention immediately. Even if the injuries seem minor at first, it is essential to have them properly assessed and treated by a healthcare professional. Not only will this ensure your well-being, but it will also create documentation of the incident that can be used as evidence in any legal proceedings that may follow. After seeking medical attention, the next important step is to report the incident to the appropriate authorities. This could include contacting local law enforcement, animal control agencies, or even your homeowner's insurance provider if the attack occurred on someone else's property. By reporting the incident promptly, you are not only protecting yourself but also helping prevent future attacks by holding the responsible parties accountable. In addition to seeking medical attention and reporting the incident, it is crucial to gather evidence related to the attack. This could include taking photographs of your injuries, documenting any damage caused by the animal, collecting witness statements, and preserving any physical evidence such as torn clothing or bite marks. This evidence will be invaluable in supporting your case should you choose to pursue legal action against the owner of the animal. Once you have taken these initial steps following an animal attack, it may be beneficial to consult with an experienced attorney who specializes in personal injury cases involving animal attacks. An attorney can help you understand your legal rights and options for seeking compensation for your injuries and damages. They can also assist you in navigating any legal procedures or negotiations with insurance companies on your behalf. Being attacked by an animal can be a traumatic experience that leaves lasting physical and emotional scars. However, knowing how to respond effectively following such an incident can make a significant difference in protecting your rights and obtaining justice for what you have endured. By seeking medical attention promptly, reporting the incident, gathering evidence, and consulting with a knowledgeable attorney, you can take proactive steps towards holding those responsible accountable for their actions. Remember that you do not have to face this challenging situation alone – help is available to guide you through every step of the process towards resolution and justice.
01 Feb, 2024
The heartache of losing a loved one is immeasurable, and the grief can be especially complicated if the death resulted from negligence or a wrongful act. If you're an undocumented immigrant in Ohio, the prospect of seeking justice in such scenarios can be daunting. One prevalent fear is the risk of deportation after filing a wrongful death lawsuit. It's a concern that can cloud judgment and impede your path to potential legal redress. This blog aims to dispel myths, provide clarity, and offer comfort regarding your rights and protections under the law. The Right to Justice Transcends Immigration Status Wrongful death claims in Ohio are rooted in the legal premise that individuals have the right to sue when their loved one's death has been caused by someone else’s negligent, reckless, or intentional act. It’s important to recognize that this right extends to everyone within the state – regardless of immigration status. Whether documented or undocumented, you are entitled to seek damages such as loss of support, loss of consortium, and compensation for emotional distress. Can Filing a Wrongful Death Claim Lead to Deportation? The straightforward answer is: Filing a wrongful death lawsuit should not trigger deportation proceedings. Law enforcement in Ohio is focused on serving justice, not enforcing immigration laws. Plus, the privacy protections afforded by the U.S legal system help maintain confidentiality around your immigration status throughout the process. However, this does not entirely eliminate the fear of deportation for many undocumented individuals in Ohio. To file a claim without the underlying fear of being removed from the country, it's crucial to understand your rights and the legal safeguards in place. Dealing With Intimidation and Threats If you are facing intimidation or threats due to your decision to file a wrongful death claim, know that the law is on your side. Retaliation against someone pursuing lawful action is itself unlawful. It’s essential to communicate any acts of intimidation to your attorney immediately. They can take steps to ensure your protection and hold the intimidators accountable. The Role of an Attorney in Your Wrongful Death Claim An experienced attorney can be your greatest ally when filing a wrongful death claim as an undocumented person. Lawyers are bound by confidentiality, meaning your immigration status will remain private. The attorney can navigate the complexities of your case, shield you from intimidation tactics, and work tirelessly to ensure your rights are respected. An attorney can help you: Understand the merits of your wrongful death claim. Gather evidence and build a strong case. Navigate the court procedures. Protect your rights against any form of discrimination or intimidation. Communicate effectively with all parties involved, ensuring that your voice is heard while maintaining privacy concerning your immigration status. Grieving families in Ohio have the right to seek justice for wrongful death, and this right does not fade due to immigration status. As an undocumented person, filing a wrongful death lawsuit should not put you at risk of deportation. Still, given the complexity of both immigration and wrongful death laws, it's understandable to approach such matters with caution. The best course of action is to consult with an attorney who is well-versed in wrongful death claims and sensitive to immigration issues. They will serve as your protector, advocate, and guide throughout the legal process, allowing you to focus on healing while they focus on securing the justice you and your loved one deserve. Remember, the pursuit of justice knows no borders. It's about making sure that everyone, irrespective of their origins, can access the legal remedies afforded to them by the law. If you're considering a wrongful death lawsuit in Ohio, reach out to a compassionate and competent attorney who will stand by your side, every step of the way.
21 Dec, 2023
Ohio is a great state for bicycle lovers, with its many scenic bike routes and trails. However, riding a bicycle comes with some risks, as accidents can happen at any time. Bicycle accidents can be very serious, often leading to injuries or even death. In this blog post, we will discuss your legal rights if you have been involved in a bicycle accident in Ohio. Section 1: Causes of Bicycle Accidents One of the main causes of bicycle accidents is motor vehicle drivers not seeing bicyclists or not giving them enough space on the road. In some cases, drivers may be distracted by their phones, music, or passengers. Other common causes of bicycle accidents include uneven road surfaces, faulty bike parts, and reckless behavior by bicyclists themselves. Section 2: Negligence and Bicycle Accidents In Ohio, negligence is one of the main legal concepts that applies to bicycle accidents. Negligence is essentially a failure to exercise reasonable care in one's actions. If you have been injured in a bicycle accident, you will need to prove that the other party was negligent and that their negligence caused your injuries. This can be a complex legal process, which is why it is important to have an experienced attorney on your side. Section 3: What to Do If You Have Been Injured in a Bicycle Accident If you have been injured in a bicycle accident, the first thing you should do is seek medical attention. Even if your injuries seem minor, it is important to get checked out as soon as possible. You should also contact an attorney who specializes in personal injury cases, as they can help you understand your legal rights and options. Your attorney can also help you deal with insurance companies and negotiate a fair settlement for your injuries. Section 4: Compensation for Bicycle Accident Injuries If you are successful in proving negligence on the part of the other party, you may be entitled to compensation for your injuries. This can include things like medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering, and property damage. Your attorney can help you determine what types of compensation you may be eligible for and how much you may be entitled to receive. If you have been involved in a bicycle accident in Ohio, it is important to understand your legal rights and options. Remember to seek medical attention as soon as possible, and contact an experienced personal injury attorney who can help you navigate the legal process. Bicycle accidents can be very serious, but with the right legal representation, you can ensure that your rights are protected and receive the compensation you deserve. Stay safe out there on the road!
31 Oct, 2023
Slip and fall accidents can happen to anyone at any time, and they can lead to severe injuries. If you've been involved in a slip and fall accident, you may be wondering about the role of witnesses in your claim. This blog post will answer all your questions about witnesses, and how hiring an attorney can help strengthen your case. Witnesses are essential in any slip and fall case because they provide evidence of what happened at the scene of the accident. If you have a witness who saw you fall and can attest to the conditions that led to the accident, it can make all the difference in your claim's success. Witness testimony can help establish liability, and insurance companies often rely on witness statements to determine who is at fault. However, witnesses are not always necessary for a successful slip and fall claim. In some cases, there may be enough evidence to establish liability without them. For example, if you fell because of a dangerous condition that the property owner knew or should have known about, you may be able to prove liability without a witness. However, it's always best to have as much evidence as possible, and a witness can only strengthen your claim. If you don't have a witness to support your slip and fall claim, don't despair. An experienced slip and fall attorney can help you navigate the legal system and build a strong case. Attorneys have access to resources that the average person doesn't, such as accident reconstruction experts and investigators. They can also help you gather evidence, such as surveillance footage and medical records, that can help establish liability. In addition, an attorney can take over the communication with the insurance companies and the defendant's attorneys. Trying to communicate with these parties on your own can be incredibly daunting, and you may inadvertently say or do something that harms your case. A slip and fall attorney knows how to talk to insurance companies and has experience negotiating settlements. An attorney can also help you understand the legal system and the laws that apply to your case. Slip and fall claims fall under the umbrella of premises liability, which is a complex area of law. Proving liability in a slip and fall case requires a deep understanding of the legal standards that apply. Hiring an attorney can help ensure that you present the best case possible. Witnesses are essential in slip and fall claims, but they are not always necessary. If you don't have a witness, an experienced attorney can help you build a strong case through evidence gathering, expert testimony, and negotiation skills. Slip and fall claims can be complicated and challenging, but with the right help, you can recover the compensation you deserve. Contact an experienced attorney to learn more about how they can help you with your slip and fall claim.
By Michael Tremoulis 29 Sep, 2023
Car accidents, regardless of how minor or severe they are, can cause physical and financial harm to the victims. That's why it is essential to understand your legal rights if you find yourself in such a situation. The statute of limitations is one such aspect that plays a significant role in car accident claims in Ohio. In this blog post, we will discuss what the statute of limitations entails, how long you have to sue someone for a car accident, and the repercussions of missing the deadline.  So, what exactly is the statute of limitations? In Ohio, the statute of limitations for filing a car accident claim is two years from the date of the accident. This means that you have two years from the date of the accident to file a lawsuit against the at-fault driver or their insurance company. If you do not initiate legal proceedings within the two-year period, you will lose your right to claim compensation for your damages and injuries sustained in the accident. It is also important to note that the statute of limitations applies not only to lawsuits but also to insurance claims. You must file a claim with your insurance company within the two-year period, or they may deny your request for compensation. It is best to start the process as soon as possible, as investigations, documentation, and negotiations take time. If you wait until the last minute, it may be too late to recover your losses. If you do miss the two-year deadline, you can no longer pursue legal action or claim compensation for any damages or injuries sustained in the accident. This is because the court has set a clear deadline for filing a lawsuit, and once it has passed, there is little you can do to revive your claim. However, there are a few exceptions to this rule. In some cases, the statute of limitations may be extended, but this is usually only possible under specific circumstances, such as if the victim was a minor or experienced a significant mental or physical disability. It is also essential to remember that the quality of evidence in your case may be affected by the passage of time. Witnesses may forget crucial details, or physical evidence may become difficult to locate or document. Therefore, it is best to act quickly and consult a knowledgeable car accident lawyer who can help you understand your legal rights, assess your damages, and pursue the compensation you deserve within the required timeframe. In conclusion, the statute of limitations for filing a car accident claim in Ohio is two years from the date of the accident. After this deadline, you may no longer pursue legal action or claim compensation for damages and injuries. It is important to act quickly and consult with an experienced car accident lawyer to ensure that you meet all deadlines and preserve your legal rights. If you find yourself in a car accident, do not hesitate to seek legal guidance and protect your interests. Don't wait too long- contact a knowledgeable car accident lawyer today!
By Michael Tremoulis 31 Aug, 2023
As an Ohio resident, you may find yourself wondering what grounds exist for filing a premises liability claim in Ohio. Premises liability law holds property owners accountable for accidents and injuries that occur on their property. Thus, those who own, lease or control premises have a legal responsibility to ensure that their property is safe for visitors. If you've been injured on someone else's property due to negligence, you have the legal right to sue for damages. If you're wondering what exactly constitutes grounds for a premises liability claim in Ohio, keep reading for more information.  1. Slip and Fall Accidents Slip and fall accidents are among the most common premises liability claims. They typically occur when a visitor falls on a wet or slippery surface, for instance, or trips over an object lying out of place. Property owners are responsible for ensuring that their grounds are free from hazards that could cause a slip and fall accident. 2. Dog Attacks Ohio law allows dog bite victims to file a premises liability claim against a dog owner. Dog attacks can cause serious injuries, including disfigurement and loss of limb. In Ohio, a dog owner is strictly liable for any injuries inflicted by their dog, regardless of whether they had prior knowledge that the dog was aggressive. 3. Negligent Security If you're injured due to criminal activity that takes place on someone else's property, you may have grounds for a premises liability claim. Property owners must reasonably protect visitors against foreseeable harm. This includes installing security cameras, hiring security personnel, and taking other appropriate safety measures. 4. Defective Property Conditions Defective property conditions can cause accidents and injuries. Examples of defective property conditions include faulty stairs, broken handrails and faulty electrical wiring. These types of conditions pose a serious risk to visitors and can cause serious injury. 5. Failure to Warn Finally, property owners have a legal obligation to warn visitors of potential risks. This includes posting warning signs around construction sites, wet floors, and other hazardous areas. Property owners who fail to provide adequate warning to visitors can be held liable for resulting injuries. Ohio premises liability law holds property owners accountable for injuries that occur on their property. If you've been injured as a result of a property owner's negligence, you have the legal right to sue for damages. Slip and fall accidents, dog attacks, negligent security, defective property conditions, and failure to warn are all common grounds for a premises liability claim in Ohio. If you believe you have a premises liability claim, contact an experienced Ohio personal injury attorney to discuss your case.
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